Sunday, April 24, 2011

Study week = Hectic week!!

My world really turn out crazy right now... a week to go before our most important examination ever..( for now).. PROFESIONAL 1 seems to be like a psychopath killer eagerly chasing after me...i'm sweating, tired, my heart pounding really hard, that i thought it might jump out... i doubt that i will get my previous life after this... or else i might turn to be this " BOOK ZOMBIE" for the rest of my life... mountains of lecture notes need to be read up.. and of course.. to understand it is another important thing... agrhhhhhh!!!!

     My passing days were so monotonous... woke up early morning (if i didn't stayed up until 3 or 4 at morning last night) ... all i could see was my messy table with those annoying notes that i need to put my head in.. huhuhu.. then, rushed to library or any place i found perfect to really concentrate in my study.. not to mention when some of the days i just simply decide to spend my whole day in that "clinching-bone" cool library.. crazily trying to digest as much as possible i could... it's really a desperate time!!.. probably because of my own fault.. i didn't really take serious attention for some of them.. now really need to give my hardest hit!!!.. huuuhhh...

    Looking to some of my friends that seem to be prepared for the examination really double up my stress!!.. when i read up ones note.. then, i saw my friends read others. ohhh noooo!!!! i haven't cover it yet!!.. so changed it.. read what my friend read... hehehe.. finally.. i got tired.. don't care just read anything Dean!!!.. at least u got something.. might not too much, but little is fine.. little is much better than nothing right???

    There are few days leave before pro is coming out... and to my bad i still got plenty of things to read on... anatomy ( i didn't really like anatomy). physiology n biochemistry.. ahhhh... these 3 brothers really freak me out.. anyway, there's still time to do something.. i have to try my best and let Allah take care of the rest.. have faith Dean!!!.. may all this sacrifices are worth doing,, insyaAllah.. last words.. the best of luck for pro 1 to all first year medical and dental students.. gambateh!!!^^,v

Saturday, April 23, 2011


semalam masa aq tengah syok2 je bace blog member... tibe2 lak teringat yg aq pn aq blog gak.. ( nak jugak!!) hehe.. so, aq pn bukak la blik blog aq.. kot2 la kne block ke.. huishh.. lma sangat tak menjengah blog ni.. agaknya dah nak dekat setengah tahun kot aq tinggalkan blog ni.. dah bersawang pun!!

tu la.. orang buat blog ko pn gatal nak buat jugak.. tapi komitmen x de!!.. hishhh!!.. sorry ok!! komitmen aq bukan tuk benda alah ni jer... berlambak aq keje lain kot.. sebenarnya, aq ade la jugak niat nak jenguk blog ni awal-awal dulu.. tulis ape-ape yg patut (aka. mengarut)^^,. last2 niat tinggal niat je lah.. i'm busy ok... ye lah.. kalau dah masuk course medik ni kena banyak sacrifice... berkorban masa, duit pn banyak habis ( walaupun ditaja JPA, buku2 mahal2  kot!!).. masa tido pn kena cut.. tido kul 2, 3 pagi pastu mula lah bangun kul 12, 1 petang!!.. x senonoh.. huhu.. budak medik ni kan selalunya dicop ulat buku... betui ka??? x kot.. biasa2 je.. letih kot duk mengadap buku memanjang,,, hehe.. ( ko memang.. PEMALAS!!) kita jadi budak medik ni x leh la hidup lam dunia kita jer.. dunia buku.. kene la tahu jugak perkembangan semasa.. pe jadi dengan dunia skang?  hah! jepun dilanda tsunami? krisis nuklear?? gempa bumi?? biaq betul... ( tengok tu...) kena la ambik tau, lau x banyak cikit2 pun ok la.. biar peka baru lah boleh jadi doktor yang seimbang peribadinya diorang cakap..

    hari ni melalut sikit coz lama bebeno tak menconteng kat sini.. lepas gian orang cakap.. ha ha ha.. post kali ni lebih kurang nak bersihkan blog aq yang dah bersawang & berhabuk ni.. it's cleaning time..

ok lah.. cukup mengarut tuk masa ni.. next post tak tau la bile pulak.. setengah tahun dari skng pulak ke.. sabor je la.. hehe.. kot2 la aq lupe terus ngan blog ni ke... till then.. bye2,,^^,v